
Dollar Bill Origami T Rex Instructions

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Dinosaur enthusiasts who are good with their hands can limited their dearest for these prehistoric beasts through the art of origami. In that location are various paper models to choose from, merely information technology is best to opt for ane based on your origami experience and skill level.

  1. i

    Crease the paper in one-half. Position a canvass of foursquare origami paper straight in forepart of you then that information technology looks like a diamond, with one corner at the top and one at the bottom. Fold the right corner over to come across the left corner. Pucker well, so unfold.

    • You can find a range of origami paper on Amazon.
    • When you start, the exterior of the paper should face you.
    • Note that "pureland" refers to a type of origami that only uses basic mountain and valley folds.
  2. ii

    Valley fold to the eye pucker. Fold the top right border of the paper in until information technology meets the crease at the center of the paper. Fold the meridian left edge in the same way then that information technology meets at the center crease.

    • Note that a "valley fold" refers to a type of origami fold in which you fold the edge in your mitt in, toward you, rather than folding it out and away from yous.


  3. 3

    Pre-pucker along the bending bisector. Valley fold the lower left side up and in until the border of this side meets the bottom edge of your previously folded top portions. Pucker well, then unfold.

    • For this stride, you lot should only crease the middle of this fold and not the entire length. The center of your creased portion should intersect with the outset pre-pucker you created in an before step.
    • When washed, plow the paper over so that the within side faces you.
  4. four

    Valley fold the top down. Bring the top tip downwardly until it meets the bespeak at which your two pre-creases intersect.

    • When done, flip the paper over so that the original side shows once more.
  5. 5

    Fold out the corners. You should come across what appears to be a large triangle on the lesser and two quadrilaterals on the superlative. Take the inside bottom corner of each quadrilateral portion and valley fold it outward every bit far equally the paper will allow you to fold earlier tearing.

    • Turn the paper over to the other side over again.
  6. half dozen

    Enhance the height flap. You should exist able to distinguish a downward pointing eye triangle. Take the tip of this triangle and fold it up, straightening information technology out.

    • You will be left with what looks similar a diamond with tall upper half and a short lower half.
  7. 7

    Valley fold the lesser tip. Fold the lowest corner of the middle diamond upward and so that it meets somewhere along the center of the upper tip, merely non quite at the very height.

    • More than precisely, expect at the rectangular portion lying behind the diamond shape. This department needs to be folded in half equally you fold up the bottom tip.
    • When done, turn the paper once again.
  8. 8

    Fold the inner flaps outward. You should notice two triangular flaps meeting at the center of paper. Fold these flaps outward equally far every bit possible while still remaining flat and without violent them.

  9. 9

    Swing down the back flap. Feel the back of the paper. In that location should be a flap along the back that is loose enough to move without affecting the balance of the structure. Unfold this flap and bring it direct down.

    • When done, turn the paper dorsum over.
  10. 10

    Add dimension. Pleat the top of the shape, positioning the pleating and then that the mount fold hits the crease separating the tip of the structure from the main part of the rectangular torso. Valley fold the diagonal lesser sides in as far every bit they will get without ripping.

    • A mount fold refers to a fold made in which you fold the edges outward, creating a "mountain" peak facing you.
    • When you lot pleat in origami, you use both a valley fold and a mountain fold. Make the valley fold to the inside of the intended mount fold. And so, mountain fold the edge back forth the instructed point.
    • When done, turn the paper over.
  11. 11

    Pleat the bottom. Valley fold along the bottom-most crease you can find. Mountain fold a narrow strip just to a higher place this valley fold to complete the pleat.

  12. 12

    Make two more mount folds. The starting time mountain fold should be at the very tip of the newspaper. For the second, mount fold the model in one-half lengthwise.

  13. 13

    Valley fold the caput. There is no set position for the head, and so utilize your center to determine what might look all-time. The head lies at the top tip correct now. As a general rule, exercise non fold the caput then far that information technology overlaps whatsoever of the legs or body.

    • Rotate the model until the largest triangle, which forms the tail, tin can residue on the tabular array.
    • This step completes your origami T-Rex.
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  1. 1

    Pre-crease the paper. Take a square sheet of origami paper and valley fold information technology in half horizontally. Crease well, so unfold. Valley fold in one-half vertically, crease well, and unfold.

    • A valley fold is a type of origami fold in which the edge you work with is folded inward toward you, creating a "valley" or depression along the fold.
    • At the completion of this footstep, rotate the newspaper by 45 degrees. It should now be in a diamond position, with one corner at the top and some other at the lesser.
  2. two

    Valley fold the lesser corner. Bring the bottom tip up so that it meets the center of the paper, marked by the intersection of your previous creases.

    • When done, turn the model over to its other side.
  3. iii

    Make another pre-crease. Valley fold the lesser border of your model up so that the crease falls along the imaginary line connecting the left and correct corners of the paper model. Pucker well, then unfold.

  4. 4

    Create a horizontal valley fold on the forepart-well-nigh layer. Mentally divide the lesser half of your model in one-half again. Valley fold the lesser edge up and inward, dividing this section in half. Only grab the front layer, though, and go out the dorsum alone.

    • Notation that your bottom edge volition meet the pre-crease made immediately prior to this.
  5. 5

    Pre-crease the model in half. Brand a vertical valley fold along the vertical center of the model. Crease well, and then unfold.

  6. half-dozen

    Employ two more pre-creases. Look at the model in front of you lot. There should be a distinguishable upper triangle portion. Valley fold the upper right edge of this triangle downwardly so that the bottom correct corner of the triangular section is folded into two equal angles. Crease well, then unfold.

    • For your second pre-crease, repeat this aforementioned procedure with the left side of the triangular section.
  7. 7

    Pre-crease the tip twice. Wait at the upper tip of the model. It should be visually marked in half by your vertical center pre-crease. Valley fold each half of this peak tip so that the resulting angles are equal in size. Pucker well, then unfold.

    • Annotation that the bottom border of each crease in this step should stop at the everyman visible diagonal pre-crease made previously.
  8. viii

    Give the model dimension. You volition need to brand a series of valley and mountain folds along your pre-creases to add dimension to the model. These folds should exist used to crease the paper model permanently, but do not fold the edges flat. Besides note that a mount fold is the reverse of a valley fold: fold the edges outward, creating a mount-like acme forth the fold itself.

    • Note the distinguishable downwardly pointing triangle at the bottom of the model. Valley fold this piece in half vertically.
    • Mountain fold the acme office of the model in half vertically.
    • Valley fold the meridian two diagonal pre-creases and the lesser two diagonal creases.
    • Example the remaining pre-creases, which were made from your outset set of pre-creases. Valley fold the inner portion of both creases, stopping when y'all hit other creases. Mountain fold the rest of these two pre-creases.
    • When washed, turn the model over.
  9. 9

    Valley fold the top. Bring the summit-most tip of the model down, folding information technology and so that the crease connects the inner corners just beneath this tip.

    • At this point, you should compress the model by taking the triangular side flaps and pinching them in.
    • Rotate the model by 90 degrees earlier continuing further.
  10. 10

    Make an inside reverse fold. Notation the flap of paper sticking out to the right side of your model. Mount fold along the lower left corner of this flap, separating the bending into equal portions.

    • Note that the true lower corner of this flap lies below the visible surface of the model. Y'all will need to utilize this corner and non the visible corner when folding.
  11. 11

    Make a similar outside reverse fold. While working with the same flap as in the previous footstep, note the lesser outside corner of the newly created triangular portion. Valley fold at this corner, effectively separating this angle into equal parts.

    • When done, rotate the model by 90 degrees.
  12. 12

    Valley fold the upper portion. Disregarding the folded flap hanging off the top left side of the model, wait at the primary trunk of the model, including the flap hanging off the right. Create an imaginary line betwixt the right-most corner and the left-nigh corner. Valley fold forth this line.

    • Turn the model over to its other side when washed.
  13. 13

    Valley fold the model in half horizontally. You should be able to distinguish a clear tip on the left side of the model. Fold the model horizontally, dividing this tip in two equal halves.

    • When done, rotate the model by another 90 degrees. Yous should exist able to distinguish ii clear wing portions and a torso portion. Spread the wings autonomously past gently pushing them downwards and away from the body.
  14. 14

    Press in the lower tip of the body. Forth the trunk section, you should see what looks like a "Due west" pattern of folds along the top and a single peak at the bottom. Gently press this bottom pinnacle in, creating a blunt edge at the top of model.

    • Note that the newly created flat region should expect triangular in shape.
    • Turn the model over when washed.
  15. 15

    Apply a series of straight folds to the model. Note the two loose sections at the summit of the wings. Make a mount fold forth the lower outside corner of each section, and so unfold the main fold previously keeping the wings together.

  16. 16

    Make curved folds along the model. Look at the lesser two semi-triangular sections of the body. Make a gently curving valley fold connecting the bottom tips of these sections to the outside each section's own upper outside corner.

    • After this, you will need to make another more than dramatic set of curved valley folds. These folds should connect the outer-most corners of either wing to the innermost lesser corners of each wing. The curve should become in at a gently angle.
    • After making your curves, tuck the lower flaps produced by those folds into the upper flaps lying underneath.
    • Plough the model over when done and rotate information technology by ninety degrees.
  17. 17

    Work on the head. Gently pull the head down, bending it forth its natural crease.

    • The caput should be on the right side of the model.
    • When washed, rotate the model again by some other 90 degrees.
  18. 18

    Define the head further. Brand a mountain fold to the right of the hanging head flap and another one connecting the lesser of this fold to the body. Create a valley fold splitting the resulting intersection of your two mount folds in half.

    • The caput should be on the right during this step.
    • Plow the model over when done. Repeat this same procedure on the head from the other side, and rotate the model until the wings are spread out flat in front end of yous and the head faces toward the acme.
  19. 19

    Valley fold the head. You should be able to note a natural pucker near the head department of the model. Valley fold forth this pucker.

    • This footstep completes the model. Examine information technology from all sides and redefine whatsoever creases that appear loose, if desired, to strengthen the overall shape.
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  • Question

    On the second dinosaur, how do I practice the outset step?

    Community Answer

    Yous just need to accept the acme side and bring it downwardly to the bottom line, then crease. Then do the same with the right side. Look at the video to a higher place if you still don't get it.

  • Question

    What type of paper exercise I need?

    Community Answer

    Use origami paper, which is square and thin. You lot can take estimator newspaper and cut it into squares.

  • Question

    Can we utilise different paper other than origami newspaper?

    Community Answer

    Aye, yous can employ whatsoever paper that is easy to handle (printer paper, construction paper, etc.). But make sure that the paper is a square and has equal sides (unless the project calls for a different shape).

  • Question

    On the 2d dinosaur, how practice I do step 11? It is and then confusing, as your easily are in the way.

    Community Answer

    Fold the triangle dorsum, then flip it over so that the upside-downwards triangle is facing yous. Later, fold the upside-down triangle dorsum up, but don't fold nigh a centimeter of it.

  • Question

    Can you explain steps v and 6 more clearly?

    Spencer Linkous

    Spencer Linkous

    Community Answer

    For step 5, just fold in half along the centre line, and on step half-dozen, fold one of the top edges to the horizontal line going from the two corners, unfold, and repeat.

  • Question

    Practise you lot specifically need origami newspaper and if so, where can I get some?

    Community Answer

    No, you practice not. You tin can but make a square from A4 newspaper and cut off the rest. Or, you lot tin can easily become origami paper at your local arts and crafts store or online.

  • Question

    How do I keep the head down on my origami dinosaur?

    Community Answer

    You can firmly fold it with a money, or whatsoever other hard object. If that doesn't work, try using glue or record.

  • Question

    Tin can I use cardboard with two different colours instead?



    Community Respond

    No, paper-thin volition be likewise strong to make origami. If y'all do employ it, your craft volition most likely not plough out well equally yous will accept a hard fourth dimension trying to fold it properly.

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Commodity Summary 10

With a little patience and a sheet of origami paper, you can arts and crafts your own origami dinosaur. To brand a T-Rex, position a canvass of square paper in front of you then it looks like a diamond. Fold the right corner over to run across the left corner. Crease it well and unfold it. Side by side, fold the top-right edge of the newspaper until it meets the crease at the center of the newspaper. Fold the summit-left edge in the same style. Side by side, pre-crease along the angle bisector and valley fold the pinnacle downwardly. In one case you have a large triangle on the bottom and 2 quadrilaterals on the acme, you can fold out the corners. Heighten the top flap and valley fold the bottom tip. And so, fold the inner flaps outward. Swing down the back flap and add dimension by pleating the elevation and bottom of the shape. Brand 2 more mountain folds, then valley fold the head. To learn how to make an intermediate origami pterosaur, keep reading!

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